Wednesday, June 3, 2020



This month, the Supreme Court will release its decision on whether the Trump Administration’s rescission of the DACA program was valid.  Hopefully the Court will do the right thing and DACA will survive. 

But what to do if DACA is struck down?  The following article contains some advice for current DACA holders.

Likely immediate impact for your DACA status:

If DACA ends, here’s how that would likely affect those who have DACA now:   

·       Current persons with DACA:  Previously issued work permits and DACA approvals would likely remain valid for their full validity period but then not be eligible for renewal.
·      Pending  DACA renewal applications:  Hopefully pending requests for renewal of DACA will be processed.
·      No new DACA renewal applications would be accepted.

Other Options for DACA holders.

There are not a lot of paths to permanent residence in our current broken immigration system, but here’s a few limited possibilities:

1.    Permanent Residence for DACA holders married to a US Citizen.
A 2013 Court decision opened a door for persons with DACA who marry a US citizen to adjust their status in the US.  This is limited to certain DACA holders without prior orders of deportation or other grounds for inadmissibility, and only after obtaining with permission to travel under DACA. 
Unfortunately, the Trump Administration stopped issuing the permits to travel in 2017.  But nonetheless, a lot of persons with DACA did get the travel permit (known as “advance parole”) during in the 5 years between 2012-2017.  If they are married to a US citizen, they can still get a green card through a process lasting only about six months, without a pardon, and without leaving the country. 
2.    Permanent Residence through the Pardon Process.
Even those persons with DACA who did not obtain a travel permit previously can still a green card if they marry a US citizen by applying for waiver known as an I601 pardon.  In March, 2013, the Obama Administration  implemented a rule that has benefitted many thousands of immigrants across the country.   The new regulation allowed spouses of US citizens to apply for their waivers of the 10-year penalty for unlawful presence inside the US.  In November of 2015, President Obama expanded it to spouses and children of permanent residents.  Before, undocumented spouses who came here without a visa risked being barred for 10 years from the US if their waiver was denied. 
Anyone eligible for an I601A waiver should apply now as this process may soon get more difficult or even be eliminated altogether by Trump. If you have DACA and you are otherwise eligible, consult a lawyer first to make sure there is no problem returning.

3.    Other applications through family or work.  
It is not common, but if there are existing petitions previously filed by close family members (e.g. U.S. citizen parents or siblings), there may be circumstances where these petitions can still be used to obtain permanent residence for the DACA holder, especially if DACA was obtained before the age of 18.  But check with a lawyer before you pursue this.

Likewise, in limited circumstances, an employer may be able to sponsor a DACA-holder for a green card through work, a process known as PERM.  But this would usually require that the DACA-recipient have no unlawful presence after age 18.  And the PERM process is not an easy one; it involves an established employer offering a market wage job requiring a college education and/or exceptional skills and then a recruitment process proving that no Americans want that job.  Especially difficult during a recession.   

4.    The U visa for crime victims
The U visa can be used by any victim of a crime to apply for status with the Immigration Service if they can show they were harmed by a crime occurring in the United States and cooperate with the U.S. authorities in trying to apprehend or prosecute the perpetrator.
To qualify for a U visa, a person must show that:

·       the person has suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of having been a victim of criminal activity in the United States;
·       the person … possesses information concerning criminal activity;
·       the person has been helpful to a Federal, State, or local law enforcement official, including police and/or a prosecutor investigating the crime.
The applicant must have suffered “substantial” harm as a result of the crime, although the crime can be emotional or physical. 

A solution for all DACA holders.

We should all support action in Congress to provide a legislative solution for those with DACA.  In June, 2019, the House of Representatives passed the American Dream and Promise Act of 2019. This bill cancels and prohibits removal proceedings against certain aliens and provides a path to permanent residence for DACA-eligible young immigrants. For more information or to sign a petition in support of a DREAM Act law, go to:

CHRISTOPHER A. KEROSKY of the law firm of KEROSKY PURVES & BOGUE has practiced law for over 25 years and has been recognized as one of the top immigration lawyers in Northern California for 10 years by “Super Lawyers”. He graduated from University of California, Berkeley Law School and was a former counsel for the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington D.C.

WARNING: The foregoing is an article discussing legal issues. It is not intended to be a substitute for legal advice. We recommend that you get competent legal advice specific to your case.
Aplicación pendiente de DACA: Quienes aplicaron por primera vez por el DACA y su permiso de trabajo continua en proceso podrán obtener status. Sin embargo, CIS no aceptara nuevas aplicaciones a partir de hoy.
Aplicación pendiente de DACA: Quienes aplicaron por primera vez por el DACA y su permiso de trabajo continua en proceso podrán obtener status. Sin embargo, CIS no aceptara nuevas aplicaciones a partir de hoy.
• Renovaciones pendientes de DACA: Las aplicaciones pendientes serán procesadas.
• Nuevas renovaciones de DACA: Los beneficiarios DACA que tienen permisos de trabajo con fecha de expiración entre el 5 de septiembre del 2017 y marzo 5 del 2018 podrán renovarlo por ultima vez. Las renovaciones deberán ser aceptadas por DHS antes del 5 de Octubre de 2017. Todavía no se sabe si el DHS otorgará renovaciones por el período completo de dos años o un período más corto.

• Aplicación pendiente de DACA: Quienes aplicaron por primera vez por el DACA y su permiso de trabajo continua en proceso podrán obtener status. Sin embargo, CIS no aceptara nuevas aplicaciones a partir de hoy.
• Renovaciones pendientes de DACA: Las aplicaciones pendientes serán procesadas.
• Nuevas renovaciones de DACA: Los beneficiarios DACA que tienen permisos de trabajo con fecha de expiración entre el 5 de septiembre del 2017 y marzo 5 del 2018 podrán renovarlo por ultima vez. Las renovaciones deberán ser aceptadas por DHS antes del 5 de Octubre de 2017. Todavía no se sabe si el DHS otorgará renovaciones por el período completo de dos años o un período más corto.
• Aplicaciones para permisos de viaje: No se aprobaran aplicaciones de permisos de viaje (Advance Parole) para quienes tienen status DACA. Todas las aplicaciones pendientes serán cerradas administrativamente y se devolverá el dinero abonado.
• Permisos de viaje aprobados: Aquellos permiso de viaje previamente aprobados generalmente serán honrados, aunque DHS conserva la autoridad para negar la admisión y/o revocarlos cuando lo considere apropiado.
El memo publicado por DHS lo puede encontrar en:…/2017/…/05/memorandum-rescission-daca.
Debemos entre todos apoyar al congreso a que pasar una solución legislativa permanente para beneficiarios DACA. La mejor de estas propuestas es el Dream Act de 2017. Para mayor información visite:


  WHO CAN APPLY FOR DACA NOW, AND WHO CAN TRAVEL OUTSIDE THE U.S. AND HOW? New DHS Policy On Initial DACA Applications, Advance Parole (Ri...